CSF: csf.allow – abuseipdb.com

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# AbuseIPDB
Include /etc/csf/csf.allow-abuseipdb.com
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# AbuseIPDB

“CSF: csf.allow – abuseipdb.com”Continue reading

Smard configuration for Megaraid and notices by email.

File of configuration:

/dev/sg2 -a -d megaraid,N  -T permissive -o on -S on -W 5,30,35 -s (S/../.././11|L/../../7/03) -m info@email.com, support@email.com -M test -M diminishing -M exec /etc/smartd_mail.sh
/dev/sda -a -d sat -T permissive -o on -S on -W 5,30,35 -s (S/../.././11|L/../../7/03) -m info@email.com,support@email.com -M test -M diminishing -M exec /etc/smartd_mail.sh

“Smard configuration for Megaraid and notices by email.”Continue reading

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