Supervisord: php script as pseudo-daemon

If and when you need to run a certain php script as a kind of daemon program, you can use the popular supervisord software package for this purpose.
Very often this will work much better, more efficiently and more conveniently as a replacement for clumsy php scripts in the system cron. Run the application in a short cycle, set the counter of time and repetitions – you’re done!

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VIRSH:KVM – Перемещение дисков в другое хранилище

Migration of disks around is part of the life cycle of a guest. Disks in the storage pools (local or network) may fail or fill up due to bad capacity management. Ordinarily, one would have to shut down the guest, copy the storage volume file elsewhere (if it is a file), wait, update xML configuration, and launch it again. However, in mission-critical enterprises, this may not always be possible.

To get the source path, need check XML configuration file or storage volume. This requires to know which storage pool in use.

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