WHM & Cpanel : ssl cert + 500 internal server error

Here are some common errors:

SoftException in Application.cpp:357: UID of script "/home/user/public_html/test.php" is smaller than min_uid

SoftException in Application.cpp:422: Mismatch between target UID (511) and UID (510) of file "/home/user/public_html/test.php"

SoftException in Application.cpp:264: File "/home/user/public_html/test.php" is writeable by others

Go to /var/cpanel/userdata/nobody to see if the cert is there by domain.com_SSL (domain.com being your domain’s name) name. If it is, then move it to /var/cpanel/userdata/user (where user is the cPanel username of the right user). Open up the domain.com_SSL file and change the following in that file:

documentroot: /home/user/public_html
group: user
homedir: /home/user
user: user

Replacing user with the username for each one. Of note, these are not the only lines in the file, they are just the lines you need to change in that file. If the account is a reseller and not owned by root, you will also need to change owner: root to owner: user. Please also check the ip: field has the right IP listed. After making all the changes, then run these commands to rebuild Apache with the new entries and get it restarted:

/etc/init.d/httpd restart

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