-> watch -n 300 'curl -I http://site.com:3080 2>/dev/null | egrep "HTTP|Date" | tee -a site.curl.txt'
“Apache: monitoring of site with watch/curl.”Continue reading
-> watch -n 300 'curl -I http://site.com:3080 2>/dev/null | egrep "HTTP|Date" | tee -a site.curl.txt'
“Apache: monitoring of site with watch/curl.”Continue reading
script in root of WP
“PHP(wordpress): testing wp_mail function”Continue reading
Technically better to provide a small override of service file rather than copying the whole new version in /etc/systemd/system … (www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.unit.html)
“CentOS7: How do disable PrivateTmp for Apache with systemd?”Continue reading
Writing $text to a file:
“php: save PHP variables to a text file”Continue reading
As you know, during commit InnoDB writes the data at once into data files and records changes in the first innodb_log_file. The fact that write data directly to the table – a much more expensive operation than to record changes in the binary log.
Keeping innodb_log_file allows optimization of I/O: write data to successive large pieces, and more quickly serve customers (customer commits quickly made, and the data in the table space are recorded in the background). Therefore, the larger the file, the more opportunities to optimize InnoDB I/O. Currently, the total size of innodb_log_file limited to 4 GB, which is more than enough for most cases.
“Optimal size of innodb_log_file_size”Continue reading