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“[Vim] Удаление повторяющихся строк в vim”Continue reading
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“[Vim] Удаление повторяющихся строк в vim”Continue reading
Normally, QEMU (/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm) uses SDL to display the VGA output. With the -vnc option option, you can have QEMU listen on VNC display display and redirect the VGA display over the VNC session. When using the VNC display, you must use the -k parameter to set the keyboard layout if you are not using en-us. Valid syntax for the display is as follows:
“VIRSH:KVM – Запуск удаленного доступа VNC для гостевых операционных систем”Continue reading
Migration of disks around is part of the life cycle of a guest. Disks in the storage pools (local or network) may fail or fill up due to bad capacity management. Ordinarily, one would have to shut down the guest, copy the storage volume file elsewhere (if it is a file), wait, update xML configuration, and launch it again. However, in mission-critical enterprises, this may not always be possible.
To get the source path, need check XML configuration file or storage volume. This requires to know which storage pool in use.
“VIRSH:KVM – Перемещение дисков в другое хранилище”Continue reading
LUKS / dm-crypt is also suitable for creating FS images that can be used to store important information:
“LUKS / dm-crypt and FS images”Continue reading
Neutron has commands for updating security groups:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | #security-group-create Create a security group. #security-group-delete Delete a given security group. #security-group-list List security groups that belong to a given tenant. #security-group-rule-create Create a security group rule. #security-group-rule-delete Delete a given security group rule. #security-group-rule-list List security group rules that belong to a given tenant. #security-group-rule-show Show information of a given security group rule. #security-group-show Show information of a given security group. #security-group-update Update a given security group. |
“OpenStack Neutron: How to change the default security rules in neutron during creation of group?”Continue reading